But what are YOU going to do??? How is UCLA gonna be different and take that first step you are talking about?? Can’t ride the quotes of MLK forever. I wanna hear YOUR true take... https://twitter.com/uclafootball/status/1267471003585671168
Listen I know I’m not a popular ucla alumni, but I’ll tell you what I still experienced enough micro aggression to have a say. I was never outspoken because honestly I was never allowed to have a voice.
I tried to have a voice, but I was told “I’m doing too much” or here is a good one “you won’t play”. I’m saying this because no one controls me, no one can tell me a “victim”. I have strong convictions and ucla FB need to do better with its minority Students Athletes!!!
I know the backlash will come from some. But Don’t get it twisted, I am very grateful for @UCLAFootball for allowing me to get my degree. But tbh you don’t know me because of the muzzle that the culture of college athletics has forced on all of us. I took mine off a while ago.
All these ncaa programs with white men at the face of it have the lives of so many minority young men behind it need to do MORE! I’m sorry mlk tweets don’t cut it! In a time like this those young men look for guidance! I know I never got it. That’s step 1: CARE...REAL CARE.
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