Baffled about what just happened lol completely baffled. That is not how you achieve justice. That is quite the opposite of achieving justice. @nexuspong and I are proud to have such a diverse audience, not just in race, gender, sexual preference, but also diverse in thought...
I don't care if you wear a MAGA hat or not I'm all about discussing ideas and any topic you want to in a civil manner. I'd rather it be about movies and I think Swenson would agree that we'd rather keep it to the nerd movie shit than get too political on here. But it's difficult
not to when it's all over the TL. I probably voice my opinion more than Swenson but I can tell you he just like I support the peaceful protesting of Black Lives Matter and want justice for George Floyd. To resort to targeted harassment and throwing out the ultimatum of "reporting
your videos as pedophilia for not using the hashtag" is some twisted shit. And guess what would happen if we gave into that by tweeting the hashtag and posting a donation link. They would just say" you only did that because you were forced to and don't really mean it." Guarantee
you. Thank you for reporting her (his?) ass and let's not resort or support those kind of methods. We're better than that. We all want #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd
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