I like to think I’m pretty consistent in the thematic messages that show up in my fics - the justice system is systemically broken, cops tamper with evidence and hurt people all the time, and that these problems exist in the treatment of actual people and not just androids.
There are very few fics of mine that don’t end with Hank (and Connor, if he was a cop in that verse) realizing that they can’t be part of that system anymore, that the only way to be a good cop is not to be one, and that if they truly want to help, they have to find another way.
That’s intentional. It’s the only way I know how to exist within this fandom. I think everybody here has the responsibility to be mindful of these issues, although I think it’s okay if we don’t all write about politics in our safe escapes from irl stuff, but!
We do have to be mindful of it.

The green card marriage thread wasn’t going to have that sort of ending, mostly just because I was writing it with the explicit intention that it be comfort food, but...I’m thinking about how I can rewrite it to include those usual themes.
There’s just too much cognitive dissonance otherwise.

Idk why I’m processing this here, except that I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how they can’t be here right now or how being here is hard at this particular time, and I agree. I get it.
The way I’ve always dealt with that dissonance is by never being shy about my stance and by being clear at some point, in almost every fic, about what I think about the militarization of the American police force. ACAB. And I think that has to be true with this thread, too.
So anyway, this isn’t to say I’m quitting another thread! I’m going to finish it! But it is to say that I’m also struggling with the cognitive dissonance right now, too, and I may take a day or two here and there to figure out some of those revisions.

Stay safe out there. 💖
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