I understand that I can never truly feel how black people felt during this time, but I will always stand by them. I'm not black, I have privilege, and I must use this to good use. Back then, I always tried to think of my own opinion on this matter. But now, ...
... I understand that supporting the voices of black people is more valuable than trying to think of my own. Even though I don't have a big platform or a lot of friends, I'll always try to raise awareness about black lives and rights because....
...black lives matter not only when someone's killed, it's trending, or it looks good. It matters every single time. I'm disappointed with myself that I don't really care about this back then. But the things that happened recently made me realize that I must...
....raise awareness and make sure the opinions of black people and minority is heard. Black lives will always matter. And this is not just about the black people from other countries. I tried to look so far that I tend to forget the ones that's close to me. ...
... Black peoples from my country also matters. Based on location, Indonesia is in Southeast Asia. But based from skin color, there's also black peoples like Papuans, Moluccans, and most Indonesians from the east region. I admit that I don't know much, ...
... and I'll also say that racism actions in this country maybe aren't so bad. But racism still exists in this country. I'm not saying Indonesia is bad, in fact, I love my country so much. But nothing's perfect, there's also some flaws here. For example, ...
.... black peoples in Indonesia are sometimes perceived as bad by some peoples. That's not true. Maybe their behaviour and culture is quite different, but that doesn't make them less of a person, and diversity is what makes Indonesia unique. Other example, ...
.... some of my friends here usually mock the others that have dark skin, calling them names and stuff. Even dark skin sometimes isn't considered beautiful here. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate peoples that use products to make their skins lighter, ....
.... I'm not against it. What I dislike is when people mock dark-skinned people for their skin, and make them insecure about themselves. I admit that I've been doing it too in the past, and I really regret it, I'm sorry 😔 But now it's time to change, ...
.... we must stop racism now, in other countries and our own country đŸ‡źđŸ‡© Just being not racist doesn't help, we need to do something bigger than that. Start from something simple, stop mocking dark-skinned peoples, and stop judging dark-skinned people ...
.... even when they've done nothing. Step it up, defending someone that's being harassed for their race, appearance, or skin is definitely helpful and we should do that. That's some simple things that don't cost anything to do. If you want to do more ...
... you can try signing trusted petitions online. Try to search for reliable and trusted petitions, make sure to read the informations first. If it's possible, you can try to donate to trusted and reliable funds. No matter the amount, it'll be very valuable. ...
... Last but not least, read, search, and surf the internet and books. Educate yourself about this matter, and know why it is important to support and stand by black peoples. Another thing, I know that all lives matter. No one said it doesn't. But ....
.... you must know, black peoples and minority have experienced injustice through the time, and it's still going on until now. They got their lives and rights taken away from them. Other majorities may haven't done anything, but we still benefit from ....
... our privileges. We must support them and stop racism. We don't have to fight for the lives of majority, they're all safe and sound. What we must fight for is the ones oppressed and struggling. That's why it's not right to say 'all lives matter' when ...
...we're talking about 'black lives matter' in this time. Be respectful of others, and we'll make this world a better place. That's all from me, hope y'all understand this and continue to fight along with black peoples, even if it's not much♡ ‱end of thread‱
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