Hey guys. I feel the need to bring this up. It’s great to share and sign these petitions, it helps more and more eyeballs on the topic. But more important than that- is all of you who are of legal age to get out this year and VOTE.
A petition on change’s website doesn’t directly correlate to locking somebody up, or bringing justice to be served. What we do by voting on a local level ensures that people who directly affect your life are held accountable. We have to be smart and make sure we-
Are educating are friends and family on this. I’m proud of everybody being so passionate about the petitions, but I just want you guys to know that’s a single step of the equation. If you’re not old enough to vote- still learn. Your platforms are powerful. Your-
Influence on social media can change the shape of your community. But I please ask, to do your homework. Really get to know who’s in office, who needs to get the hell out, and who is the best for the job. Don’t depend on social media to learn. Really get out and do research.
Don’t let the man with the #1 fake tan up in Washington be your focus. We all know he aint doin shit. More important than him, is the legislatures in your local cities. They directly affect how you live. We have time to focus on that, not lil dick Donny.
Educate your friends, educate your family. Do QUALITY research. Also, be kind in your arguments with friends/family. Anger and being hostile won’t get somebody to agree with your point. Keeping calm, stating the facts and being mature will get you SO much further and respect.
You can follow @hichasestokes.
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