I feel I need to throw in my voice to what's going on.
1. Protesters ≠ Rioters ≠ Looters. Both sides need to recognize this. There is a very real and valid issue here. Protesters have a right to march, scream, and gather. Rioters are misguided and harm the message. Looters don't give a shit about the issue.
2. Nobody can deny that many police forces hire thugs and bullies who are not fit to wield authority and force responsibly. They are not the military. They should have the skills and training to use diplomacy and psychology when dealing with THEIR communities.
3. I'm pro-union, but like many flawed unions, the police union and culture protects and shields inexcusable and criminal behaviour, thus removing any accountability from the officers. Seems every one of us is accountable except for politicians, execs, and cops.
4. Regarding our music scene. I've seen some posts discouraging promoting music at a time like this (as being tonedeaf). I respectfully disagree. At this moment, it is more important than ever to use art to support a message, or to provide a welcome relief for the mind and soul.
5. Change is needed. Racism exists (even here in Canada). Too many communities and minorities are dealt a losing hand, both racially and economically. I hope this anger is not forgotten in several weeks. This isn't just about the death of one man.
6. Don't think for a moment that my choice in avatar is to be interpreted has having anarchistic or subversive meaning. It doesn't. I'm still here to lend support and try and lift the spirits of anyone who needs it, with respect and love.
7. Where the hell are our leaders? They are supposed to show support, convey understanding, empathize, mediate, sooth, and show that they are listening. They are supposed to lead.
8. I hope all of you are safe and well. Whether you are out protesting injustice, worried about your business, or locked up due to COVID.
You can follow @julesneonfawkes.
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