Woke abcd nuts and their desi dullard friends have begun gaslighting Indians on SM. While in essence this is a useless strategy, one tight slap from the parents would have ended all this hollow validation seeking on international fora.
mUh UpPeR cAsTe ExPlOiTeD lOwEr CaStE eXaCtLy LiKe WhItE pEoPlE

This is what they’re capable of, meaningless equivalence, eroding all nuance. Nuance is something which only they can have during their tantrums, for others it’s a binary.
Let’s no forget that Desi leftists get their way by threatening and gaslighting innocent people. Never take their sermons on face value, they’re all hypocritical and should be treated as abductors and torturers.
Since some self righteous desis think they can gaslight Indians for “being racist” while they themselves live in gated communities, let’s talk about the student Desi experience in big cities, especially in high crime areas.
Almost all cities are inevitably situated in the midst of high crime neighbourhoods, which means that any place within a given radius outside of campus is a risky place for students who don’t have cars and depend on walking or public transport. Let me share some incidents.
1) A large number of Desi/International kids get mugged within the first month of their arrival. In fact petty crime increases in the fall semester.
2) Muggings are either armed or unarmed. In the latter case the kids are beaten up or brutally assaulted for their stuff.
3) Despite the cry for anti-racism, a certain coloured community is very vocally racist when it comes to Indians. Personally experienced a guy screaming “chicken tikka masala” at me while I was talking to a friend and walking down the street.
4) I have seen their kids laugh and make rude gestures at us, while being enabled by their parents who smugly smile and refuse to discipline them.
5) Many of them deliberately pretend to not understand the English we speak and get very loud and rude in public.
6) I have heard of actual incidents where they harass girls who are walking back home by following them and catcalling them.
7) I’ve seen them loudly make noises and mock the accent of Indian professors during class and causing general mayhem.
Racism and othering of people is a facet of every group. This special gaslighting of Desis who are mostly a reserved and shy group is despicable. These theorising nut jobs just map their half baked learning and are now actively trying to jeopardise livelihoods.
How disgusting must you be that you use a protest/movement’s anger and try to redirect it to your pet agenda for social media cred?
I know some people personally who are personally racist, and who are giving sermons to others online. The Gods are watching you, have some shame.
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