Retweeting this because it is so important.

Everybody (and I mean everybody in politics [D & R], media, corporations, lobbyists, Russia, China, EU, etc.) wants Trump to send in the troops and put down the riots.

And then they'll promptly impeach him for doing so.
But Trump won't fall for it.

As bad as things are, FedGov can't get involved unless given the okay by the locals (mayors/governors).

They're trying to make Trump look bad, as if he doesn't care and won't do anything about it. But he *can't* do anything unless asked.
Same thing happened with the Coronavirus.

People just don't seem to understand that disaster response is primarily a local/state matter. FedGov only gets involved when asked/invited by the locals.

This is good and wise. It prevents dictatorship.
Why should FedGov get involved in a local situation?

A hurricane in Florida is a local situation. It doesn't affect people in CA or IA or etc.

FedGov only gets involved when the locals say, "We're in over our head. Help!"
So, what's going to happen with the race riots?

They're hoping that Trump will overstep his bounds so they can pounce and impeach him.

But he's not falling for their bait.

Unless and until they specifically request his help, it's their problem.
Are people going to be upset with Trump?


But he'll be able to rightly point out that the local/state authorities are responsible and they never asked for his help.

People will remember in November that their mayor and governor let their city/state burn.
That may not cause them to vote for Trump, but it will certainly cause them to stay home and not vote for the Dems who let that happen.

With the looting and destruction spreading to suburbs, it's going to be a real bloodbath at the voting booth this fall.
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