White people: Centering Black voices is critical, but this DOES NOT mean we RT a few statements we approve of and then do nothing else. Listening does not mean that we stand aside as Black folks shoulder all the work.

What will YOU *DO* this week to dismantle white supremacy?
A few ideas:

1. Donate to bail funds, either directly or to a pooled fund. It was great what we did for the Minnesota Freedom Fund last week, but people were arrested across the country this weekend. https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd
2. Donate to a Black-led organization fighting for justice. There are national groups which you can support and some have local chapters you can donate to directly. https://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/black-led-organizations.html
3. Register to vote & show up on election day, including primaries. Research the ENTIRE ballot - sheriff, district attorney, judges, etc - and make sure the candidates are centering racial justice. Down ballot offices are so important for real change on a local level.
5. Actively challenge your own racism. All white people have been cultured with white supremacy. Do something about your problematic thoughts, impulses & prejudices. There are resources and tools to help you fight your implicit biases. https://www.racialequitytools.org/act/communicating/implicit-bias
6. If you're an academic, audit your research program. Are there ways you can use your work to effect change? Measuring and reporting racial disparities is not enough & in many cases is counterproductive. This thread from @irisdelistmo is a start. https://twitter.com/irisdelistmo/status/1267161674961821697?s=20
7. Again, directed at academics, but this applies to all: ask yourself why there are so few tenured Black faculty & even fewer in leadership positions (chairs & deans). Challenge your institution to do better. Make space. Advocate for, support, and lift up Black students and ECR.
I'll end this thread by just admitting that I am also trying to figure this out as I go. I don't have the answers. If I got something wrong or if I missed something important, please share.
You can follow @KevinMalogna.
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