current situation in portugal that is deeply concerning and should be talked about - a thread 🇵🇹
due to the recent events and what i came to find yesterday i have decided to call all my pt mutuals and others to look at this situation that is gonna change the way that the minorities in our country are treated! they are already treated unfairly but if this party wins-
people will have an excuse to be more vocal about their racism, homophobia and xenophobia
let's start with what made me make this thread
so a poll was made by a portuguese newspaper and radio station to see which parties were prefered by portuguese people. PS (partido socialista) is still in the lead in fact they are the party that runs our country currently so no
surprises there and then we have PSD (partido social democrata) and BE (bloco de esquerda) which are no surprise either what is more surprising and horrifying is the party coming in fourth is CHEGA (translates to "enough") now let me talk about this party and why i am concerned
CHEGA is a party that won popularity on the elections last year and due to that reason they can now speak at parliament and share their ideas... their whole campaign is built on hate for immigrants mostly for the romani community in portugal that has been the most targetted-
community in portugal for years now! their leader a/ndré v/entura (will censor for reasons) is very much racist and he is not even sorry about it he has talked many times against the community but fortunately parties at the parliament shut down his comments right away
this party is also very anti-lgbt and doesn't like the "lgbt propaganda" and doesn't want it in schools or anywhere of the sort and are also vividly against it
to add to the romani racism, quaresma, a football player of our portuguese team that is romani spoke against CHEGA and a/ndré v/entura and the latter said that football players shouldn't talk about politics and that they don't know anything about it... so yeah an idiot
but what is funnier to me is that... on the party's website and on their values section they claim to be against racism and xenophobia or any type of discrimination when everyone knows that's not true! there have been countless of times where they have spoken AGAINST minorities
and i'm not here for this! it's so annoying to me how this party is gaining popularity and is clearly just because of their racism and homophobic values we should all be against them and not let them be in the lead!
the fact that this party has gained so much popularity it shows that portugal is NOT as accepting as some pt people make it how to be! you aren't gonna tell me you aren't a person that discriminates people when you support a party like this it really doesn't add up
i made this thread because when the elections come around i don't want them to be even close to the lead i don't want minorities on our country to suffer even more because of these people and their closed mentality so we need to be VIVIDLY against them at all costs
if you are portuguese please get informed about politics and the parties and i beg you to choose wisely who you vote for! this can determine the future of this country and how things work around here! your vote is important if on the next elections you are 18 and can vote pls do
please be against injustice and fight for people that are continuously discriminated in our country we can't let this be more normalized any further! use your privilege for good and don't let these type of things happen anymore call out people on their bs and make them realize
how wrong they are for having such close mind and not being decent human beings we need to take action!!
also to correct a tweet from the beginning: CHEGA is not the fourth most preferred party it's actually the third right now which is even more concerning ahah 🙃
anyways i am aware that this thread is probably a huge ass mess and that i didn't explain that well so if any of my pt moots wanna add something to this thread or correct me or any of the sort pls reply to this! i am willing to keep this convo going
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