On Bunkers, a Thread:

9/11: Bush refuses to go to bunker, orders secret service to return him to Oval to address the nation. He later says, "I was aware of the real possibility that the voice of the president may be the only thing holding the country together. I had to speak."
Vietnam War protests: Against secret service advice, Nixon walks to the Lincoln Memorial to assure the thousands of gathered protesters they are being heard. He later says, "Up to that point it was the most terrifying moment of my presidency. But, it had to be done."
Bay of Pigs: Joint chiefs inform JFK the mission is failing, security demands he be moved to an undisclosed location until safety can be assessed. Kennedy responds, "We just lost a battle, if the President hides now we will have lost the war. Get me in front of the cameras, now."
Reagan Assassination Attempt: 2 days after being shot while still recovering in the hospital, Reagan demands a camera crew be brought to his bedside so he can address the nation. The order came moments after secret service requested he wait until securily taken to WH bunker.
Threats on Obama: January 2012 the secret service receives "urgent and credible" threats on the president. They demand he be moved to PEOC. Obama replies, "I'll go to that bunker when it's actually needed. We don't hide."
WW2: Roosevelt repeatedly complains of wasted dollars as WH bunker is constructed under East Wing, telling one aide, "The day the American president is forced to hide underground is the day America has lost this war. Let me tell you, we aren't losing this war."
2020: Protesters gather 100s of ft from WH lawn to protest Trump's refusal to address the murder of George Floyd and racial inequity. The majority chant and listen to speeches. Some throw water bottles at thousands of heavily armed agents. A trash can is burned and extinguished.
Trump immediately moves to PEOC under the East Wing, the bunker never used by any of the presidents mentioned in this thread. From this bunker he threatens the protesters via Twitter that if they come closer, they will be met with "vicious dogs" and "unimaginable weapons."
@realDonaldTrump is an egotistical, narcistic, coward. His lack of empathy has become a threat to national security. As America faces it's greatest challenges in a century, we need a leader who leads, not hides. REGISTER. TO. VOTE. NOW. Your country is depending on you.
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