All some of us have been saying is that we just want H to use her major platform better to spread helpful links & ways to help because she has a MAJOR platform & can reach millions of people everywhere who aren’t as aware of what’s happening.

No hating & attacking. Educating.
Our main focus though, HAS to be on what the actual problem here is and it’s the racism and injustice going on. Black people have been losing their lives.
We only bring H up so she can use her platform better.

This isn’t a “fandom issue.” It’s a human rights issue that needs to be fixed and we’re doing what we can but our platforms are only so big and have so much impact, that ppl with huge platforms NEED to get involved.
We know she has posted a couple stories & made a post. That’s a start.

Sharing links, important resources, petitions is what’s NEEDED constantly right now. She herself said that she’s listening to us & educating herself.
So by us tweeting her important links, that’s us helping to educate her on ways to help.
^^^ this is all speaking for me & from what I’ve seen some fans express & how I’ve seen fans being attacked for being upset that H isn’t speaking up more.

I haven’t seen anyone saying they’re fully unstanning her, just upset & need her to speak up.

^Not speaking for everyone
Spend a few moments of your day going through the petitions and signing, donating where/if you can, using the resources added: 
You can follow @HaileeChicagoS.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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