Once more, for the weekday crowd. (Plz RT
Donate what you can to an antiracist charity of choice, show me the receipt, I'll answer your questions on zoom or email for 20 minutes.
Why should you want to talk to me? (THREAD)
#amwriting #amresearching #amwritingfantasy #crowdfunding
I am a medieval historian, with a focus on late medieval England, economic history, textile history, book history, and women's history. I have taught modern and medieval European history college classes.
I am a rare book librarian with experience in libraries and the book trade.
I am a crafter -- I spin, weave, knit, sew on a machine. I worked for a yarn store. I know how to make paper and parchment. I have set type and printed on a letterpress and intaglio press. I read Latin and French well and Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and German very poorly.
I'm an avid but recent hockey fan. I know more than you might expect about art and museum conservation.
What does this mean for you?
Are you worldbuilding a secondary world fantasy? I'll walk you through pre-industrial economic systems and the things people get wrong.
Are you thinking about getting an MLS or a PhD? I'll talk to you about why I made my choices.
I have ADHD and have complicated time management hacks that work for my brain. I'm happy to talk about that too, and to send you a spreadsheet I used before I bought a scary paper planner. (I love my planner now)
Why am I offering this thread? Because I'm an unfunded graduate student whose part-time job disappeared to COVID. I don't have spare cash right now. But I have time, and I desperately want to help somehow.
Take my knowledge, and do some good. #WriterLife #sff #WritingCommunity
Also, FYI, I'm a trained librarian. If I don't know the answer off the top of my head, I may be able to find it for you anyway, or tell you how to find it.
Also happy to consult on research strategies.
To conclude: Black Lives Matter -- protesters deserve and need our support, especially that of white people. It is not enough to be passively nice, we must be actively anti-racist. Don't you dare tone police protestors or defend property over human life in my mentions.
Attn @snarkbat with whom I discussed this last night. Please feel free to copy any of this that looks useful to you.
And again: I have a small follower base. If anyone has the energy and inclination to boost this, I would be grateful.
You can follow @KateEMontgomery.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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