I was told that we are taking this BLM too far and that it's cringy.
I'll attemp to explain why this is hitting us differently and deeper than we anticipated.
Ireland is a beautiful country with beautiful people but it's also filled with racism & covert/subtle prejudice&bias/1
For so long speaking against racism has been gaslighted, we've been whitesplained and our experiences have been shut down.
And now, y'all wanna hear it, so let us tell you. It's like opening up a can of worms and memories that we've suppressed are flooding in and it hurts /2
As a Black woman my actions represents the whole race. I am often the only Black person the room and I have no nod, disregard and ignore racist remarks just to survive. In shops, bus, streets, in work there is always a chance I might be treated less than and I have accepted it./3
At 17, I joined a new school in the middle of 5th year. My class organised a trip to Paris for 6th year. They didn't tell me.The only Black girl in the class. They went to France and no one gave me an explanation as to why I wasn't told, asked or invited. In Ireland. In 2011. /4
My house &car have been vandalised. The N word written on my front door. The Gardai told me it was just kids messing.That changed my perspective on life. I was afraid to go out at night, I didn't know who did it. It could have been anyone.I doubted my own instincts &judgements./5
My 8 year old have been called a N**.Every Black parent have had to prepare themselves for the day they will have those difficult conversations with their kids.Our innocent boys who still beleive in santa and the tooth fairy will soon be seen as predators. Our girls objectified/6
When your 10 year old has never been invited to a party from class yet you see pictures year after year of parties, picnics, sleepovers & playdates & you have to lie time& time again so he can keep his innocence and pure heart.And still, he will be seen as a thug_ the black boy/7
So,stop telling us that we are taking this too far. We're grieving. George Floyd could have been any of us if we ended up in the US.Our experiences in Ireland haven't been all rosy either. An anticipatory grief of what our children might have to endure hits hard.Scared for them/8
Gearing up for those uncomfortable conversations with your baby wears you down. We are tired of being gas lighted. We need you to stand up with us. Listen to us. Fight for us. Be a supportive ally. Not just when you get paid for it, but really be there for us. Include us./9
And correct your racist family members. Look at my boy the same as you see yours. He's just an innocent giant. He brings no harm. He just wants to be loved and feel safe in his country. Teach your children the same. Support our movements. Support us. Use your white privileges/10
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