Decolonise QMUL supports the Black Lives Matter movement and the protests across the world that demand justice and an end to oppression against Black people. In response to the protests happening, we have created a document that we hope gives you a guide on protesting (1/1)
- We also give alternatives to protesting, and created a list of revolutionary/radical resources (speeches, lectures, articles, and books). Our guide takes note of the COVID-19 pandemic, as we want everyone to be as safe as possible, whilst fighting for justice.
This is the document:
Look out for our Instagram, as we will be posting a more detailed infographic.
Rest in Power. Credit: LA Johnson/NPR
We also would like to make it clear, the Black Lives Matter movement is NOT an American movement. It is a worldwide movement, anti-blackness is pervasive in institutions across the globe. The United Kingdom is NOT innocent.
Belly Mujinga’s death and aftermath, is amongst the most recent horrific injustices against Black people in the UK. We must educate, and take action. Our document provides a template to send to the TSSA, and other actions to can take to demand justice for #BellyMujinga
You can follow @DecoloniseQMUL.
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