Now that Jihyo and Chaeyoung have been cleared and everyone is rightfully enjoying and applauding @JYPETWICE for yet another successful comeback, it’s time for those accounts who started anxiety-inducing accusations last night to apologise. I hope you learn from this.
You do not get to hide behind the guise of educating when you were basically arm-twisting JYPE and TWICE to apologise/be accountable for an offence they didn’t even do. Admit to your mistake of jumping to conclusions and apologise to the fandom if you have any basic decency.
I’m against cancel culture, and I believe so long as these people who acted hastily are truly apologetic, we should just let it go. We can be gracious as a fandom. Let that be a learning experience for us all and let’s move on.
Please do not use this thread to make a list/show screenshots of the big accounts. If you want to, do it on your own time. It was never my intention to name and shame; they know who they are and I’ll leave it to them to act as they should.
You can follow @StuckOnTwice247.
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