Stop saying Trump should give a speech. That’s pre-T centrist naïveté. T doesn’t want to do it; he wants to send the military into the cities. He’ll deliver it in that script-reading, deadpan teleprompter-monotone of his which immediately tells you he’s just mouthing words /1
advisors told him to say. If he does ad lib, it will be either bizarre, racist, or grossly partisan. He’ll propose no meaningful policy action,bc the issues at play vastly exceed his grasp. T has literally nothing to offer on this, as his recent tweeting has shown. Look to the /2
mayors, Congess, even Biden perhaps as a kind of shadow president who at least understands what’s going on and how national leadership ought to respond. T didn’t even want to be president, and this moment, perhaps even more than corona, illustrates how grossly overmatched he /3
is by the office. It’s almost as if he’s not prez at all, just some weird, barking cut-out place-holding the office until the next election. So just ignore T. There’s nothing there to make this better & a lot to make it worse. At best he’s irrelevant; at worst, an accelerant. /4
This is exactly what I was thinking about. A few hrs after I wrote the above, T called US guvs “weak” & told them to “dominate.” As I said, he has nothing to offer, & he’s itching for a massive, & inevitably violent, crackdown. An American Tiananmen Square would be a disaster. /5
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