It fascinates me when a psychiatrist unfollows me for expressing my opinions regarding the damage psychiatry has done to me, actually it scares me because of the POWER theyseem to hold over your MH and making one feel that silence and conformity is best. Why did you unfollow
me on Twitter for speaking out in a manner that did not seem threatening or ill mannered?
This speaks volumes about what some of you have and may do outside of Twitter if you dont agree with people. (NOT all of you but some) This narrow mindedness HELPS NOBODY.
You are the professional and what examples are you giving of your profession!
It is all over Twitter to see and read.
The power struggles between you and MH community are immense and often extremely upsetting for me to even engage in or read anymore.
Cliques are apparent from BOTH sides as is one-upmanship.
BUT what do I know I am just a statistic. One that is cruelly labelled as an outsider in society and one that should be condemned because I am apparently a problem to society and dangerous and there seems to be no place
for me because I am damaged goods! These things I describe are not an opinion BUT are 5facts and are the way I have been treated by SOME MH proffs and the systems they uphold.
I have always known there was evil and cruelty in the World ...I know being a person who has suffered
from abuse. I hold the damage done by MH proffs just as bad as the all too familiar abuse I have suffered from birth. SOME of these establishments & professionals are dealing with already vulnerable individuals and their abuse is blatant, well known and yet their actions
have no accountability! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL THIS MEANS? My heart was broken and my spirit died the day PSYCHIATRY LABELED ME … You invalidated my whole life of abuse, my childs, brothers and mothers.
I dont even have the words for those of you who cast me out
when all I actually needed was someone to reach out and help me get through my HELL. Even acknowledgement would have been a blessing! Your psychiatric abuse still continues I find much of the PD DX's and its wording cruel & slanderous !Your wording allows society to invalidate
blame, discredit discriminate & can harm people.
No justification are reason for this unjust cruel treatment.
I hope when my grandsons grow up there have been changes and meaningful help and support is available to them.
I pray this every night I close my eyes!
Thanks for RT Mad 🙏
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