I think it is a bad decision by @YouTube to remove the ability to put polls in videos starting June 10th.

The reason that has been given is that they were ‘rarely used’ and that YouTube need to ‘focus on other creator tools. [1]
The problem is, however, I use polls quite a lot in my videos to make decisions about what I should make next and the removal of this feature means that I have to repetitively direct people to my comments section, which never seems to work. [2]
The other major solution to this problem is to use the community posts feature, however this is only available for creators with over 1,000 subscribers.

Really small creators like me are the ones who are going to suffer from this decision. [3/6]
I am OK with polls being removed from physically within the video if the limit for community posts is moved down to 100 subscribers.

However I feel this is very unlikely, and my only option to communicate with fans is to get to 1,000 subs or use Twitter. [4/6]
But as a YTP creator, 100 subscribers in itself is not an easy feat. But losing the poll cards will change how my channel works massively.

I call on @YouTube/ @ytcreators to rethink this decision or at least create a reasonable replacement. [5/6]
Thank you for reading (I know this thread was really long). [6/6]
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