I know this is 1 of the most effective ways to be an active ally during these protests, but my god-

What does it feel like to know simply putting your white body in front of ours has the power to temporarily shield us from physical harm?

"No one man should have all that power." https://twitter.com/kealaokalani/status/1267311374796877824
Maybe this is what Belafonte meant, and I'm only being slightly facetious, when he told Eartha Kitt "no Black Woman can do anything for me..."

In a misogynoiristic world, Black Women's (and men's) bodies as shields holds no currency.
White women calling the police, play acting fear, are fully aware of the value this racist patriarchal society places on their bodies & they utilize it as a bargaining tool for their luxury.

No finality in this thread: just observations on the ways white bodies negotiate value.
...And simmering, rageful resentment that my physical safety requires whiteness to intercede...
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