If you take passing 100K dead, unemployment passing 40M, the descent of American cities into chaos, the withdrawal from The WHO, the snub of the US by the rest of the G7, targeting a non-existent "far left" group with non-existent authority...
...the backfiring of efforts to exonerate Flynn, the floating of a DOA proposal to get Russia back into the G7, China's sense that with the west without US leadership they have the license to do as they please in HK...
...science's rejection of Trump's proposed miracle drug hydroxychloroquine, more revelations of conflicts of interest and corruption within the Trump administration, the confirmation of the most unqualified leader ever to head the Intelligence Community...
...and the president's role in each of these failures, missteps and disasters, this past week has to be the nadir for presidential leadership in America in the modern era. No American president has done so much to damage so many in America in so little time ever.
But if he has proven one thing during his time in office it is that as disastrously bad a president as Trump has been, as extensive and horrific as the damage he has done seems to be, he can always do worse...and always does.
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