Colorism and how it has been integrated into our lives, both subtly and not so subtly.

~A thread.
Fairness creams is at the top of the ladder. We create demand and they keep making products. A booming market. But why? Because for years they have marketing strategies have told us that we need to be fair to be beautiful. Otherwise we won't be accepted into the society.
Movies and shows. The entire industry was hell bent on making audiences believe that there's something terribly wrong with being dusky. Main leads would never have skin tones less than that of milk. Dark skin was ostracised left right and center.
Even to the extent that our favourite childhood cartoons were flagged with this insane idea of fairness being superior (snow white anyone?) it wasn't until much later than Disney Princesses of color were introduced. But sadly they are less remembered.
Let's talk about the people around us. I'm sure most of us if not all have heard comments like 'don't do this, you'll turn dark' or 'use this method, you will look fairer'. Some of us have been hearing these as kids, and the adults had done nothing to stop these remarks
If we trace this phenomenon we'll probably have to go far far back. But isn't the point of knowing the history of things learning and correcting the mistakes? Don't see that happening. Nope, nada.
Aunties are skill looking for 'gori' bahus for their sons. We're still being fed the same pro-fairness ideas by the mainstream media. People we love, we look up to disappoint us in this matter sometimes. Some have spoken up, many are yet to do so.
The point of this thread is that in some way or the other, we've given into this at some point of life. I have, and I regret it. Its time to reflect and tackle these problems at the root. Prepare our younger generation better. Stop them from falling into the same trap
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