It’s Pride Month.

As we have conversations about the future of the Black Church beyond this moment of global pandemic+uprisings, we must name that the Church’s future includes a complete reckoning with harm done to Black LGBTQIA persons and a full inclusion of their humanity.
There is no Black Church without Black queer people. There is no divine family or kindom without Black queer people.
Cishet Black men and Black women have leaned into theologies, interpretations and beliefs about queer identity that put people at risk and do not reflect the heart of God. Black Church doctrine/positions regarding same gender loving and queer people do not honor God. Full stop.
Even if some of us have walked and are walking away from these damaging systems, we have still caused harm. Our confession and repentance should include an advocacy and decentering as loud and profound as our ignorance and arrogance once were.
Last year, 95% of the trans women who were murdered were Black. Many Black homeless LGBTQIA teens and young people come from religious homes where their families believe ostracizing them until they come back to God is the right thing to do.
Many clergy boast having one same gender loving or queer person on the associate ministers roster/deacon/trustee board but still won’t shift the theology of the church or allow it to be used for same gender weddings because “the people aren’t ready for that yet”.
We can’t piecemeal progress and can’t keep using God to justify our bigotry.

Black queer people have always been among the most consistent and dedicated members of our faith communities. It is time we reciprocate by fully reimagining what our churches need to become.
If the future can’t do this, it too will fail.
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