#Autism can often feature an incredible strong sense of natural justice. As such, #autistic people can be very clear in their moral thinking, making us often very intolerant of lies, deception, delusion and unreasonability. We're seeing a lot of this right now. /1
Whether you like it or not, the events in the UK (Cummings) and worse, the US (George Floyd) are marked by extreme dishonesty on the part of the leaders of the respective countries. There should be absolutely no doubt about it. /2
Anyone arguing otherwise is clearly either in not full receipt of the facts or is so biased that they are willing to bend reality to avoid facing the truth. Our leaders are lying. Our leaders are deceiving us, purposefully. A lot of #autistic people will *really* hate it. /3
Of course, huge numbers of people are very unhappy right now, but I can say with confidence that large numbers of #autistic people will be feeling the injustices in the UK and US in a more fundamental, visceral way. They may even literally hurt. /4
One thing that a lot of #autistic people will share is a need for positive, benevolent authority figures. Life is so complex and riddled with stress for us that we really need to be able to trust our leaders. If we can't, we're lost. /5
With the morals of our respective governments completely shot, it feels terrifying and like I'm missing an anchor, a balloon buffeted and floating away from the security of land. /6
It feels like the world has quite literally gone mad. So many people on social media defending such obvious dishonesty; people seemingly wilfully misunderstanding basic ideas. It's a chaos that can be really harmful for #autistic people in particular as we can rely on normality/7
I look around at the *obvious* injustices and lies and feel it in my stomach whenever people seem to not see it, or make apology for it. Characters like Trump and Johnson are just so immoral and lacking justice I can barely look at them. /8
The world is burning because it has collectively decided to not really care about justice, equality, fairness, sense. These things have their defenders but they're losing. For many #autistic people this isn't just bad - it's absolutely cataclysmic. /9
A world without fair and even justice is a dystopian nightmare. Yet we still seem to be lurching towards it. #autistic POC, #autistic women, #autistic gender queer and #autistic LGBTQ+ folk will know this all too well - the world is not suitable for us in its current state. /10
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