as a non-black racialised woman, I've been thinking about the following questions:

How do I meaningfully challenge white supremacy daily? Can I do more?

How do I deconstruct my own whiteness/white passing-ness? How do I use this for good?
as a person who doesn't live in an urban centre, and is disabled & can't currently be on the frontlines like I would like to be, I'm asking:

how much money can I part with to help bail funds and medical funds on the ground?
what discourse can I uplift that will help people on the ground? What discourse can I suppress and not share publicly? How can I be cognizant and thoughtful about what I am sharing given what's happening?
as a non-black writer, I'm asking myself:

how can I uplift Black writers and voices? What are the ways I can take a step back and listen? What ways can I challenge white supremacy but also take the lead of Black writers in my field?
You can follow @NicoleFroio.
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