All intersex people have NOT had the same experiences.

Claims that “ending the sex binary” will end human rights abuses is overly simplistic.

Instead, we should broaden our perspective on what female and male means. Whilst also acknowledging that some people are non-binary.
Non-binary is also not something which is a clean/fixed definition. For some people, it will mean having no specific gender/sex (agender), others may describe themselves as being multiple genders or have a fluid response.
For me, a distinction is to be made about non-binary in terms of sex, or non-binary in terms of gender. Some intersex people will still consider themselves to be part of a binary - ITS THEIR CHOICE.
Some people will argue that intersex existence is proof of the non-binary nature of sex.

Others will argue that not all intersex experiences are non-binary, some will impact a specific coherent group. Meaning they’re still men or women.
So my point is, stop arguing over semantics and trying to simplify a complex area.
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