When discussing the pending County Council legislation for a Police Review Board, there’s a whole lot of “bUt HoW wOuLd wE pAy fOr It” - I’d love to see how much was spent for the all of the tear gas, rubber bullets, and riot gear used by officers in Pittsburgh this weekend...
It’s important to be VERY clear that how to pay for it is almost NEVER the issue. The issue is political will to do what is right. Instead, these dangerous tactics are being used on otherwise peaceful protests, thus turning them “violent”
I was downtown for hours this weekend and the violence that was perpetuated was at the hands of the police who were supposed to be there to protect and service the peaceful assembly of folks exercising our First Amendment rights
We need substantial and overwhelming policy change. We need our elected officials to do more than post their “thoughts and prayers” every time another instance of police brutality is carried out in our communities.
We need to tear down the existing system that militarized police across the country, and build a new system that is fair and equitable for ALL who live here. We may agree or disagree on what they new system should be, but NO ONE can disagree that our current system is failing us
NO ONE in the year of 2020 in what’s supposed to be the “greatest country in the world”, should have to worry when their partner/child/loved one goes outside that they will lose their life at the hands of those who are SUPPOSED to protect us
Yet that’s a reality for our Black and Brown friends everywhere. Walking down the street, driving a car, playing video games in their house, shopping in a store - all of these “mundane” tasks for you and I have proved to be DEADLY for too many of our neighbors. And I’m SICK of it
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