Protests in São Paulo yesterday - this video has gone viral, as anti-Bolsonaro Brazilians claim it shows that military police treat (white) right-wing demonstrators with sympathy. A bit of explanation - everyone can tell she is far-right, because she is wearing the US flag
There are some sharp contradictions surrounding Bolsonarismo's rabid pro-American stance. Bolsonaro knows well that he comes from a violent right-wing tradition made possible by support from Washington. But most people in the US do not, as Washington never liked to admit this
So lots of US Americans have a hard time understanding why the US flag gets waved alongside like, Ukrainian fascist flags at rallies here. They think red white and blue is like, for democracy stuff. This contradiction also explains why Bolsonaro's advances are sometimes rejected
Eduardo Bolsonaro's house. It is all right-wing stuff you could get at like a truck stop in Florida (note the Star of David - Israeli flags are big at Bolsonaro rallies too). Bolsonarismo is from a US-powered tradition. But that is never supposed to be front and center in the US.
So when the Bolsonaros prostrate themselves before US politicians, or loudly proclaim their support on social media, a lot of people in Washington find themselves in an awkward position. But, I assure you (check replies to this thread if you like) Brazilians understand the links.
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