Thinking about the time I had disciplinary action proceedings started against me because I said to my class that some TV stations helped Donald Trump become president even though he said racist things...
That was classed as "enforcing my own political views on vulnerable children" or something.


I'd had informal disciplinary meetings before that. That was my third strike on a record that had:
Falling behind on marking
Telling two boys they 'love each other really' when they fell out.

I'd say what I said about Trump again and again. Kids need to learn about these things. America is on the verge of fascism because of his manipulation of truth and control and demonising of the media...
The meeting I had with my old HT and her way of wording what happened in the most malicious sounding way possible confirmed to me that my time there was up.
Typos and poor structure galore in this thread but I cba to delete and redo.
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