I lived in America for 10 years, And we faced so many racially motivated injustices

A thread.
I went to visit my guidance counselor in highschool asking if i could be put in AP and IB classes. She said I won’t be able to pass.

The reason i ended up in those classes was because my mom went to the school to complain.

I graduated with all As except for science
In highschool, my brother @Muco_Manzi got his locker searched by police accompanied with K-9 dogs for drugs & selling them because he was seen passing earphones under the classroom tables suspiciously. The teacher called the principal and 911
Our neighbor called the neighborhood association almost everyday because we would sometimes kick the ball a little too hard and it ended up in her yard, of we were too loud. On halloween she switched off the lights when we came around for candy.
My mom was driving the car at night after picking us up from youth group at church, And she had right of way. The white woman almost hit us, and my mom swerved the car. She came to her window and said “you’re good?” And the walked away. We didn’t call the cops because we knew.
I went to the counselor’s office to apply for college. She discouraged me from applying to Ivy Leagues because I wouldn’t make it, despite my application to one of them got as far as the interview stage. I never followed through because of her words.

I regret going to her
Whites in my AP & IB classes always asked me how i could afford to go to college because i’m from Africa.
Now when i got to uni, it was a whole different ballgame. Fellow students and some professors were blatantly prejudice. This was seen in our class discussions, and the way we were treated on campus.

We didn’t care. We continued to be us; Loudly living our best broke uni lives
I remember my one professor in my major (Polisci & IR) everytime i wrote a paper criticizing capitalism and imperialism i would get a lower grade than when i praised it.

I eventually just started writing what they wanted to hear for the sake of my GPA
The 2016 elections shook every minority on campus to the core.
I’ll never forget that day.
Students (yt) felt emboldened to do or say whatever they want; and they went all out. Trump & confederate flags in their dorm windows, anti-lgbtq comments, etc..

And that hurt us deeply
I remember my friends and i calling campus security all the time to take us from the library to our dorms, or elsewhere
I wanted to graduate early to save my mom money, and i went to my advisor. He said it can’t be done, he didn’t agree with my proposed plan.

I said SAY LESS.

I finished a 4 year degree in 3 years while working 2 jobs.
My family and I experienced so many micro-aggressions in that country, but it can’t compare to what African Americans face everyday. I had the choice of going back home to Rwanda, they didn’t.
The decade that I spent in the US left a mark on me. The country will always be a part of me. I was there for Trayyvon Martin’s passing when i was 15, and so many more

That’s why i’m deeply hurt by what’s going on there currently

I really empathize with black people in America
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