last month my physical therapist told me i needed to lose weight

at a time when i had already lost more than 20kg and was going through a long period of horrible backpain, isolation and uncertainty, a stranger who didn't know my history or how active i am commented on my weight
at a time when i needed support and help, when i needed someone to guide and actually tell me to stop my weight loss journey and to try and maintain my weight so my body can heal, a stranger made me feel like my body was just wrong

she put me in a position where i felt the need
to defend myself by telling her that i do workout and that i did lose a shitload of weight when all i wanted to say was that it was none of her business and i don't actually have to prove anything to anyone
i went through years of bullying and judgemental sarcastic comments in my teenage years when i was at a healthy weight

i went through years of rapid weight gain and more bullying as an adult

i met people who acted like my friends and talked behind my back about my eating habits
this topic is so complex i could write a book about it but even on a day like today it feels like there will never be enough words to actually show every aspect of what it means to go through went gain and weight loss and how people interact with you based on your appearance
today i am starting a new journey

today i decided to stop my weightloss journey even though i am not at my goal yet

maintaining my weight will be a challenge on its own and i hope i will succeed in giving my body the rest it needs to heal and readjust to the new weight
weightloss is not a sprint
and weightloss is not a marathon
it's a life long journey

that's something i read today on instagram and it couldn't be more true for me today

for the rest of the year i will focus on eating at maintenance, going back to the gym and healing
because weightloss is always this: a journey of healing

because those of us who went through this, we all carry scars with us that cut deeper than any before&after picture will show
PS - if you like this thread please like it and RT it

i actually want people to see this
maybe feel inspired by it
maybe take some comfort in it
and hopefully learn from it

we need to talk about this shit!
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