Here’s the thing. Racism is pervasive AF. It is at your church. Your workplace. The stores you frequent. In education systems. And yes, in science. And I say that as a WOC in STEM and higher ed.

It. Is. Everywhere.

Thus I feel it is our responsibility to be as anti-racist
on as many fronts as we possibly can be. That’s likely easier to say for me than others, as I’m an Indigenous woman and I experience it all the time.

I’m still looking hard at my Indigenous peers and colleagues. Inspect your spaces. Root out anti-Blackness. Be braver.
I know I have a ton of white STEM and higher ed folks among my followers, and I’m looking hard at you too.

Open your eyes and ears and hear and believe. Listen. Educate. ADVOCATE. We have to, or nothing, nothing, nothing changes.
Imma say right now that I deeply and sincerely apologize for not addressing it within my own circles in the past, small or large. For backing away from it, holding my tongue so as not to “cause trouble”, when in reality, my not checking it immediately was the problem.
That ends now. This exam starts with me and my own education too, and I’m thankful to Black & Black Indigenous relatives who have shared and educated me. I got my own work to do too, and I plan to bring some folks w/me.
Lastly - this thread isn’t intended to elicit absolvement or validation from Black relatives, fam; please, no need to respond in that fashion, I know what I gotta do! I’m working on all of it.

Good morning though. ☀️
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