Hey all. Pride Month 2020 is here! I know most Switch owners are still on Animal Crossing rn but if you wanted to play some Smash Ultimate, I made some Pride Flag custom stages:
First, the LGBT+ Community Flag. While originally used to represent people with same-sex orientation, it now encompasses all people who aren't cis, hetero, etc. I really wanted to make the platform here rainbow coloured but it messed with certain moves so I stuck to a solid pink.
A common variant of the community flag is the POC Inclusive Flag. Obviously, the original flag is meant to encompass them as well, but after some prominent racism in the community this flag was flown in solidarity with POC who are LGBTQ+.
This is a variant of the most common Lesbian Flag. Unfortunately given the limited materials in stage builder I could barely make the 5 colour version, let alone the more common 7 colour version.
The Men Loving Men flag is somewhat less common, as generally they're associated with the community flag. However, this flag helps to make MLM less of the "default" LGBTQ+ group, to paraphrase the creator @/roach_works
Next up is the Bisexual Flag. The term "bisexual" used to refer to being attracted to "both men and women", though as our understanding of gender has improved it now refers to people who are attracted to multiple (but not necessarily all) genders.
Similarly, the Pansexual Flag represents those who can be attracted to people regardless of gender.
To wrap up the sexuality stages, we have the Asexual Flag stage. "Aces" are different then celibates; while celibates simply choose not to have sex, ace people experience no sexual attraction.
The other big section of the LGBTQ+ group is gender identity. As our understanding of gender has grown, new terms have been coined to describe the experiences of those who do not identify with their birth assignment.
By far the most prominent flag is the Transgender Flag. Transgender does not only refer to people who have/plan to "transition" from their birth assignment, but actually encompasses all people whose gender/expression doesn't match their birth assignment.
Similarly, the Genderqueer Flag is a broad term, encompassing all people who are "neither man nor woman, possibly a mix of genders, possibly fluid".
While I'm not 100% sure on the difference between non-binary and genderqueer, I've gathered that the Non-Binary Flag is moreso geared towards people who have a singular gender that is neither male nor female.
The Genderfluid Flag represents people who identify with multiple genders, which shift and change. They may change "in a pattern, shift constantly, or flip like a switch".
To conclude the gender identity group we have the Agender Flag. As you may have guessed, agender people do not identify with any gender.
While sexuality and gender encompass the bulk of the LGBTQ+ identities, there are a few prominent groups that I came across while researching the LGBTQ+ community.
The Intersex Flag represents people born with "ambiguous" physical characteristics, which includes hormones, reproductive organs, genitals, chromosomes, or some combination of the four.
The Aromantic Flag represents people who do not experience romantic attraction.
And lastly, I made a Polyamory Flag before doing some more research, during which I found out polyamory is not officially part of the LGBTQ+ community. But who knows, maybe some day they will be.
I'm far from an expert on any of this, I got most of my information from https://majesticmess.com/encyclopedia/brief-history/ if you see anything in this thread that I got wrong/should have mentioned, make sure to let me know.
You can follow @KadabraGuy.
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