okay enough...this is so fucked up, it’s gmm’s fault, we 2gether stan also didn’t expect to get this 5 special episodes but can you all don’t say anything bad abt this series?? overrated? overhyped? i KNOW that this series is not THAT perfect but at least dont say smth like that
gue beneran cape ngalamin yg kayak gini terus, everyone has their cups of tea, kalo buat lo ini series biasa aja dan ga deserve special episodes sumpah jahat bgt, gue tau gmm ga adil gue akuin itu, gue ngerasa bersalah jujur excited disaat pd banyak yg kecewa gini
gue ga blg kalian lebay, engga...kalian berhak marah, gue juga marah, it’s valid bcs gmm did you all dirty but please just don’t say smth bad abt 2gether please...
nyesek bgt tadi lewat di teel “2gether tuh udah kelarlar, special eps mau dibikin cerita apa sih? sarawatine masak masak?” jujur bacanya sedih bgt
all of this beautiful series deserve special episodes even s2...it’s about time, timing nya beda2, kita penikmat konten ini bisa apa selain nerima apa yg disodorin agensi, and maaf bgt kalo kita saat ini excited saat kalian lagi kesel ke gmm, im sorry...i feel bad tbh
i fcking hate this unfairness and gmm caused all of this mess, we’re family but bcs of this kita jadi saling nyerang, pusing bgt diliatnya...please marah nya ke gmm nya ya jgn ke yang lain, makasih banget, i love you all<3
u can be mad at gmm without dragging 2gether tho...i hope nothing but the best for all of us, once again..im sorry for all that had happened and thank you for giving it a read to this thread ily
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