I am done with people who blame their racism on their up bringing. As a child I said casually racist shit too, but as soon as I understood what I was saying I immediately stopped + educated myself, if I can do that from the age of 13 then you can and should do that too
Also educating yourself isn’t a one off thing, you’ve gotta keep up to date, and while your at it call other people out and call yourself out too, and call out all the other shit people say too. We need more than just ‘tolerance’, people deserve respect and understanding
This said, if I know you and you are racist I will continue to call you out, and if you say anything about up bringing I expect you to follow it with ‘but I will educate myself and I will educate the people who put this into my head’
Also I understand some people come from toxic environments and it will go against their own safety if they speak out so like be careful
Nobody is even gonna read this thread but I had to speak cause I’ve seen a lot of shit this past couple of days
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