A short (maybe not) thread on Koganegawa, the giant setter:
The Seijoh match was a really good introduction to his character.
During the game we got presented with an earnest tall player with little experience. He makes a lot of mistakes and learns during the game from trial and error.
The best example of this being the dump attempts.
But the most important trait of Koganegawa is that he is tall, and he is aware of how much of a gift this is. He knows it allows him to fight w/o much experience on the same level as his seniors, and he doesn’t want this gift to go to waste.
He also has a strong sense of duty and wants to honor Dateko’s legacy. That’s why he is always willing to improve. He gives his 100% everytime, even if he is a bit clumsy in his approach, and he listens any advice he gets with his full attention.
Other examples of this during the Miyagi camp:
When he looks at Kageyama or Aone, who are both better in the skills he is trying to polish, he isn’t jealous and he doesn’t see them as unreachable heights, as geniuses but rather as people who worked extra hard to get to this level.
He asks advice directly to Kageyama and is willing to imitate him because he knows it will benefit him and Dateko.
Even as he sees Atsumu after timeskip he thinks about how he would have trouble doing what he does, he always thinks of what to improve.
Another significant moment for him is the Miyagi camp where he meets Kunimi, he doesn’t like the Seijoh first year because he has a behavior opposed to his beliefs: he doesn’t work hard and tries to make few efforts.
But after Hinata highlights how Kunimi is strong in his own way, Kogane doesn’t hesitate to try and learn from him, because it will benefit him again.
So Koganegawa is an earnest player who knows he is gifted and tries to make it count with efforts, and this is highlighted in every of his thoughts and interactions. He might not be a very important character but this is once again wonderful characterisation from Furudate.
I think it’s also funny how Moniwa’s nicknames both fits his characterisation: the giant setter shows how his height is important in his playstyle (the toss to Aone and the dump) and that he wants to make full use of it; and the new iron wall shows that he cares for legacy.
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