what to do with the bricks: set them up as barricades the way hongkong did so cop cars will have a hard time manouvering towards the people and running them over. https://twitter.com/halsey/status/1267341686784405504
- Umbrellas can block rubber bullets & beanbag rounds
- Plastic wrap on exposed skin to protect against pepper spray
- 3M resporator for tear gas
- Lasers to confuse police & cameras thru tear gas
- Creating hand signals to communicate, ex:
^this was sent to me by someone living in mc. i'm posting it for them in regards to their safety. please keep in mind that we want y'all to come home to your families SAFE after these protests. please please please stay safe.
muting this cus my phone's freezing. if you want to help but can't protest, here are links to where you can donate and sign petitions. and if you are protesting PLEASE KEEP SAFE. https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/ 
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