Doing the right thing shouldn’t be transactional. We should oppose anti-black racism. Jews who say “if we don’t stand up for black lives we can’t expect solidarity in return” make me cringe. We should oppose racism even if the “favour” isn’t returned. But on a deeper level... speaks of a soul degraded by antisemitism. It speaks of a hurt soul, ostracised by an antisemitic world, & which wrongly believes that the right set of Jewish actions made visible to the world will finally lead to that mythical cuddle of acceptance...
How many other ethnic groups reflexively articulate that they must pass a test in order to expect dignity & friendship when hard times come their way? I wonder if there’s any test we can successfully “pass”? Antisemitism isn’t a test for Jews to pass. It’s a test antisemites fail
Oppose anti-black racism. But know there has been a successful campaign by Israel haters to ostracise jews from the community of solidarity & to depict us as part of “toxic” whiteness. Be prepared to oppose that. Stand against injustice. But as a proud Jew with a straight back
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