So there's this Youtuber I really like for his BTS' rapline reviews. He's from the OG hip-hop era and got asked for his honest opinion on the WDYT mess.
He read through 100ds of tweets, did researchs, even checked YG's livestreams.

He's saying that this was complete bullshit.
"Why are we burning our neighborhoods ? This is a bigger problem than a sample that AD's producer put on a song. And we're going off on twitter because of a sample? And you don't have your facts ? No facts. None. "
"This shit, targetting AD is BS.
Let's get into Hip-Hop : AD has done with this sample what MCs and producers have done for decades : sampling.
And sampling in context with his song."
"The producer did this to set the mood for the song and this has been done in Hip-Hop since sampling was a thing."
"This technique of using a sample from a provocative source has been done. For decades. Decades."
"Agust D didn't use the sample with the intent that people on Twitter were saying that he was using it for. Come on."
"He's actually using the technique used in proper hip-hop, not rap, hip-hop culture and applied it in his album. That's all he's done."
"They created lies to justify the chaos! BH still apologized, I personally think they didn't need to."

He even wanted to sit down and interview someone from BLM who was apparently really annoyed by all this.
Just wanted to share his opinion here bcs I found it really interesting and I totally agree ! :)

His rant ends at 34 minutes!
I still havent checked the whole livestream bcs it's literally 3 hours and a half long sksjks... He's probably adressing things that I missed later on!
Watch his other reviews too :) !!
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