pride month is fun and all until i see the same “nonbinary people are nonbinary”/ “nonbinary people are valid” tweets over and over on my feed and like. yeah. they are. but are you going to mention the fact that almost no states recognize X gender markers or that they will (cont)
block the fuck out of nonbinary transition processes? or literally any of the other many trans struggles in general? i know those posts are important to some people, and i’m not trying to minimize that, but it feels like there are so many more important conversations (cont)
we could have right now beyond the same empty phrases that cycle the internet every day. i hope every single lgbt+ person remembers that everything we have today was given to us by black trans women and lgbt folk who fought for us. do NOT stop talking about BLM. do not (cont)
forget the struggles black people and ESPECIALLY black lgbt+ people go through. we need to focus on real issues right now.
i don’t mean to minimize anyone’s enjoyment, and i’m sorry if this tiny vent comes off that way. it just feels like so many important things are (cont)
being talked about right now that NEED to be talked about and i’m terrified everything is going to be pushed aside beneath a wave of rainbow capitalism. also, when i said trans struggles in general it wasn’t to minimize anything, i just didn’t intend for this to be a long thread
also there are obviously other recycled phrases i see on my timeline i just mentioned the “nonbinary people are nonbinary” etc ones because i see this the most frequently and also feel as if i have a place to talk about it. i was not targeting that phrase specifically
i really don’t want to upset anyone with this thread, i know some people really like those posts it just... doesn’t feel appropriate right now
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