So the Metra trains are completely shutdown until Tuesday morning AT THE EARLIEST, and who knows what the CTA trains and buses will be doing, after shutting down TWO DAYS IN A ROW with very little notice to the public.

And even if everyone in Chicago had a car, which they don't, it would be impossible to get very far, what with the roads being closed, the bridges being raised, and the protests stopping traffic.

But I'm sure every business downtown, that's trying to reopen as fast as possible in the middle of a PANDEMIC, will completely understand that their "essential" employees may not make it into work on Monday.

They're probably too busy collecting their COVID-19 relief bailouts to notice if their employees are at work, because they can't collect unemployment or afford to take time off from work, or if they're not at work, because they're home sick, dying.

But don't worry! Our city government has their plan ready of having the National Guard protect us from our police department, while our state government argues with churches that demand reopening because their religion is being "persecuted", and our federal government...

...well, our federal government could give a flying fuck if we live or die!

Enjoy June, everyone.

End thread/
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