[Thread]1/ I've seen a few antisemitic and/or conspiratorial tropes in the form of the hashtags "soros riots" and "soros thugs" have been. The "great awakening"/Q account @CJTruth is highly RTd. I mentioned him before on a thread on Trump apologism for unsupported covid cures
2/ couple of clusters of Q and right wing accounts being alerted to the hashtag. These clouds linked by green lines mean these accounts have been mentioned in a tweet with the hashtag and someone has retweeted it (see screenshot from Grannie Lynda). #BlackLivesMatter
3/ Some strange accounts in there, such as this guy with a Morrocan and American flag in his bio, and who seems to be supporting Q/Great Awakening, and pro-Restart opposition in Iran. A rather unusual erm, but perhaps not surprising, account
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