En taro Adun everyone!

No dreams tonight (that I remember). I've finally found my will to stick to a single game for a while: Trails of Cold Steel 1 for ps4 is keeping me enough interested to make me keep coming back each time.
My oldest co-op partner (The Whine Lord)
Asked me to join his journey into Phantasy Star Online 2 and so I did. I was a lot into PSO1 back in the days and I haven't played a single MMORPG in a while so who knows... maybe this will re-ignite my interest in those too.
I've spent YEARS playing Ultima Online (my 1st mmorpg), Ragnarok Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft , along with a bunch of those "Less mainstream" tier mmorpgs like Flyff, Aion, Tera. GW1-2, Rift, Wakfu, Fiesta and Shin Megami Tensei Online but
Lately, each time I go back to a MMORPG, I just can't find that "feeling" anymore. Servers seem deserted, people play "Just for fun" (which was a cursed sentence that branded casuals back in the days) and content seems to be geared towards "solo play" way more than it used to be
Phantasy Star Online 2 so far is a bit of a grind fest, all we have been doing is Urgent Quests, Suggested Quest, Client Quests but, unlike other MMORPG, you don't walk around collecting them instead there is a counter that lists most of them and yeets you where you need to go.
Feels a bit more "Static" than your usual MMORPG. Maybe it's a genre that isn't as "HOT" anymore like back in the days so I either need to wait for the day people will go back to MMORPGs or just give up my idyllic picture from the past and accept that feeling isn't coming back
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