Let us start pride month with a rant.
I'm so fed up with the fat-phobia, especially in the G section of the LGBTQIA+ community.
I'm not excusing this shit anymore.
Killing yourself at the gym and getting an eating disorder is not loving yourself, quite the opposite.
These people haven't done the work! Haven't healed from the traumas holding them back, haven't learned to love themselves first. The work that must be done isn't at the gym! No matter how much weight they lose or how much muscle they gain, they'll never accept themselves.
The whole 'no fats' phenomenon is a product of self hatred. The truth is you can be handsome and attractive no matter what shape you're in. It's the charisma, the confidence, something that lots of gym-goers and muscle-queens simply lack entirely.
What worries me is many impressionable young people starving themselves from an early age. This is incredibly toxic and damaging for the community, if we can still call ourselves that. Stop being an asshole about other people's bodies. Weight floats. Let it. It's natural.
If you're reading this, know you're beautiful and worthy of love. You don't need to lose any weight if you don't really want to. Pleasing others is a waste (but do listen to yr doctor).
It's Pride month. So learn to love yourself! Be proud of that body, whatever its shape.
Signed: a confident handsome chubby gay man who doesn't feel the need to lose weight. Yes! We exist! We are worthy of love! We deserve respect! Accept it or shove it!

So many forms of discrimination are still alive and well in the community and this shit has to stop!
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