I'm the kind of person who buys a diary and says this year I'm going to keep one. After about five years of never successfully keeping a diary I decided not to buy one this year. Oh how I'm regretting it.
Last night I was reading through my diary entries from last year, man, life was WILDLY different then. Remember restaurants? The Cinema? Meeting up with friends without the fear of death or disease? CHURCH?
This is a tough situation. It's so hard, and as an extrovert living alone, I know how difficult this can be. However I do not trust the govts guidelines one bit. The R rate is not low enough, and they are ignoring their own plan they set out.
Please stay at home. If you don't this is only going to go on for longer, maybe even into next year if there's a second peak. Do you really want to spend Christmas in fear?
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