it's hard for me to get close to people because of the expectations they have of me. a lot of the time, they expect me to be just like my twitter persona (i'm not). frequently they're just straight-up scared to talk to me at all. it's that weird "alone in a crowded room" feeling
to be completely fair, part of this is definitely just me being bad at social interaction that doesn't center around haha funny jokes. it's why making people laugh is my go-to tactic- it's not just that i enjoy doing it (though i do), it's that it's the only interaction i can do
and you know, how much social interaction can you *really* expect to get from something like this. maybe i will just be "that guy that makes the shitposts" and be satisfied with that.
anyway, by morning, this will be gone, and i will have thought of something stupid to cover up that it ever happened at all. because that is what i do best
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