OK, HEAR ME OUT. feel free to spread awareness and educate on certain topics using this platform but remember that we are still roleplay accounts! we live in a fake, non-existent world where the real world and higher officials out there won′t actually give a shit about what we
think. we′re not actual citizens of our respective countries. imagine several high positions seeing us voicing out but then realizing we′re just roleplay accounts then disregarding our comments even if it made sense. having your voice be heard through your operator′s accounts we
be much bigger help considering the fact that the people you interact with using that account are actual people with rights and relevant beliefs. i′m not in any way bringing down the rp community or saying that what we are doing is irrelevant, because i sometimes speak out using
this account too. to put it simply and as we all said, this is rp. this was supposed to be our escape from the harsh reality. but now, y’all are calling out people who want to roleplay? when they’re literally from the roleplaying community? we SHOULD speak up here every once in a
while but don’t let it interfere or break the essence of what this side of twitter really is! you can cancel, block, mute or unfollow me but i won’t give a care. learn to understand and actually listen to what others have to say with an open minded. some of the tweets actually
have sense yet y’all are so quick to judge just because you misunderstood, don’t have the same opinion or they couldn’t express themselves in a more thorough manner. just like what others did with kim chiu’s law ng classroom.
ang daming typo, ’di po q nag-run through b4 tweeting sorna.
You can follow @putaeonia.
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