I hope that those who keep saying "matter matters" in the church-opening debates will start to see what happens as the slogan occupies the same air as "Black Lives Matter". 1/x https://twitter.com/Rgt71Robert/status/1267348381380345856
As this thread itself says, the binaries come in all too easily. If bodies and things are that essential, the awful condition in which we're divorced from them...doesn't actually exist. What are iPhones and kitchen tables and (to quote Gauthier) 'pieces of glass' if not 'matter'?
Whenever I see someone pull the "we're embodied, actually" line, my inner response is: the fact that embodiment is something you feel others should be reminded of probably says more about your ambivalent relationship with it than theirs. What privilege allowed *you* to forget?
@KatieMGrimes is good on this in Christ Divided: there's a tendency in Catholic theology to appeal to "the body" as the end and consummation of abstract theory - which denies how the body is always-already abstracted from us by theorisation (and, in her book, racialisation). END
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