The other day I had a really bad dream that included stressful imagery of police brutality. In general, I have been pretty quiet about my thoughts related to anything other than kpop/the occasional school tweet. I typically try to stay in my lane, but it has become obvious to me
that my silence may be a sign of repressed emotion. I generally have no problem with that, as I have learned to cope and have bigger fish to fry on the reg. However, Black Lives Matters is a movement that can only benefit from every person using their voice, wallet, and overall
participation, to make strides and progress for our black brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, moms, dads, babies, coworkers, neighbors, patrons, students and friends. When you kill our brothers and sisters, you kill our dreamers and doers; and when you don't stand up and speak up
for us, you're truly stealing our hope for the future. I speak from a place of privilege and can only hope my words and actions make a difference. I am not alone, so I know they do. Justice for George Floyd and all others robbed of their time here on earth. Rest In Power ❤
#BLACK_LIVES_MATTER Black Lives Matter** my mistake in the second tweet of this thread. #BlackLivesMatter
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