Between the gas filled jars found in alleys and the people driving around handing Black people bricks and now people with no license plates and expired cop IDs rolling through neighorhoods, I'm increasingly of the mind that this whole thing is a frame job by the state.
After they lied about the number of arrestees from out of town and given the lack of transparency about what they keep calling a "well-coordinated effort," and that same trope being repeated nationally... It's all so suspicious.
I'm not suggesting the protests are inorganic or anything of the sort. I'm talking about the scale of arson and blaming antifa.
This is not your normal every day civil unrest shit in the U.S.
I've never seen anything like this.
Let's not forget the piles of bricks and old cop cars left in the middle of the streets in some cities. Add to that the escalation from police and it's hard not to imagine this isn't a big commercial for Trump 2020.
Again, Trump's supporters were overwhelmingly motivated by a fear of Black Lives Matter protests. Is it so far fetched they send out shocktroops to ratchet up the fireworks to scare white reactionaries into putting the COVID King back in power?
Yes, there are angry people, Black and white, in the streets ready to burn shit and this doesn't invalidate their anger at all. What my fear is is that that anger is being exploited to terrorize white people into voting Trump in November.
And what my real question for you is: Why wouldn't Erik Prince do this?
This has the stink of covert ops all over it.
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